About us - how it all started and what we do

The idea to start our own company fell on one summer evening in one unnamed restaurant facilities in the Czech Lipa. Since we are a bunch of young people who have a different pace of work and other flexibility than our employers by then, we decided to attempt to "do it my way."

A few days after we got the perfect idea for a company name and then banned it on our first software of which you can read in the products tab - GeCon. On July 13, 2011 we were incorporated under the name Lizard Software s.r.o. and now actively working with many smaller and larger companies on various projects.

What we focus on:

  • development of custom software on all platforms (Microsoft, Unix / Linux, Assembler,...)
  • automation PLC - SIMATIC, TECOMAT, apod.
  • data visualization, data processing, database,....
  • development of custom and special hardware (from circuit design to realization itself and recovery)
  • administration of computer networks - Linux / Unix, Microsoft, Novell Netware
  • consult security solutions
  • website development, portal solutions, SEO, registration in catalogs
  • Marketing - making T-shirts with printing, business cards, stickers, signs, covers, stamps, internet advertising
  • ensure the graphic design, corporate identity
  • licensing advice on Microsoft solutions
  • expertise status, etc...
  • additional sales of hardware / software

Our membership, awards and certifications:

Microsoft BizSpark Startup

What we do...
Programming in C#

Writing software in the last versions of .NET

Linux is COOL

Writing software for Linux, with which we are good friends ... Windows and Linux and interconnected solutions

Programming PLC

Automation is our hobby, PLC, CNC, Simatic ... all this is our passion!


We provide consultation and design through computer technology ... from licensing, through hardware / software to security